What learning has taken place at Heyfield Primary School this week?

Walk To School Day

It was great seeing so many students walking to school today. They started their walk from the corner shop, as they do every day but today was a little different! Walk to School Day is to promote an active lifestyle for everyone. Staff joined in today and you could see children on foot, on bicycles and on scooters.

A great way to start the day together!

Cross Country

Many students competed on the Heyfield District Cross Country on Monday. It was a beautiful sunny day and all students can be praised for their exemplary behaviour. They all showed resilience and ran their 2 and 3 km successfully. Congratulations to them all. Good luck to the students going to the next round on Monday 23rd May in Yarram: Harper Parsons, Peyton Komen, Indiana Lockett, Lilly Horspool, Kobe Parsons, Flynn Mahony.

As you can tell from all the smiles on the photos, it was a good day by all.


Community Announcement


This week’s Heyfield PS Champions