What learning has taken place at Heyfield Primary School this week?
This week, we have some Science photos and 100 days at school!
Can you believe it has been 100 days of school already?
Junior students enjoyed making necklaces with Fruit Loops, then eating them. They also worked out how to make $100 with coins after thinking about number sentences that have the sum of 100. Their last rotation was to use patterns to get to 100 and build something with 100 pieces of Lego.
We heard a lot of counting and saw our learners used great strategies like counting on fingers or with counters; some compared the length of their necklaces and others discussed counting the money by 2s. The maths language used during this session was rich and varied from one group to another. Mrs Stuart’s dog Buddy joined Room 2 and me for half an hour but maths seems to put him to sleep so we left him alone and carried on!
Science Activities
On Wednesday afternoons, during our cross age sessions, our students will be involved in Science activities in rotations for 4 weeks. They will experiment with water and sounds, learn about the body and the physics of floating. They will learn about chemistry in the kitchen by making ice cream! They will investigate which inventions had an impact on our lives and try and create their own. You never know, we may have an Albert Einstein among us!
Tee Ball - Winter Sports
Our boys’ Tee Ball team went through the next level in Winter Sports and played 4 games on Wednesday in Sale. They played against other teams of the region and did quite well. They lost two games but won two also. We will know soon if they are going through the next round. Well done to all the participants who showed great sportsmanship on the day. Thank you to Bill Smith for being our umpire and Miss Higgins for taking the team with Bill on the day too.
Some news from the office:
We have many lost properties at the office and many do not have names on them, so please make sure you label all clothes and lunch boxes.
Buddy, Mrs Stuart’s puppy has spent a day in the office with us yesterday. We are thinking about bringing Buddy to visit classes from time to time, please let us know if this is a concern for you or your child. On a flip side, we would like to hear your opinion positive and negative regarding this concept.