Heyfield Primary School

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What happened this week?


Mr Kelly celebrated a special birthday this past week and we had a morning tea to honour him.

Thank you Mr Kelly for being such a great teacher, community member and wonderful person.

You are loved by many and we appreciate you.

Timber Festival

Ayden and Logan have been busy building a log truck with Bill so we can use it for the march on Sunday 18th Feb. I hope we will see many students joining our march and supporting this great event. On Wednesday, when we were explaining the activities we were about to do for the Timber Festival, a student asked a great question: why do we have to do this and be part of it?

The answer is simple: because it is an important part of our town’s history and engaging in activities organised by the broader community is part of our learning too.

Annual privacy reminder for our school community

Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.

Please take time to read our school’s collection notice, found on our website https://www.education.vic.gov.au/Pages/Schools-Privacy-Policy-information-for-parents.aspx. We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Google Classroom (Workspace for Education) safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Google Classroom (Workspace for Education), please contact the school. For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages: Amharic, Arabic, Dari, Gujarati, Mandarin, Somali, Sudanese, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese.