Heyfield Primary School

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What happened this week?

Evacuation Practice Fire Drill

We had a practice drill where all students were required to calmly walk to the oval with their grade, as directed by their teachers. They all did a super job with walking quietly and without running and feeling stressed. They made it to the oval in under 3 minutes, which is a great time. Our next emergency drill will be a lockdown one, where everyone has to stay quiet in their classroom, and hide away from windows. This is usually used in the scenario of an intruder or someone heightened out in the yard. The purpose of these practices help being ready, in case one day, we are required to follow these procedures.

Harmony Day

Tuesday was Harmony Day, and we would usually would have asked students to wear orange, being the colour that represents it, but school photos made it a little tricky. Room 8 learnt a little more about this special day by reading some articles and watching a couple of videos. They understood it was about accepting diversity and learning about ‘prejudices and racism’. We could relate to these concepts, when some of us shared that we were born in another country but moved to Australia after birth. On the day, the class learnt that three of us weren’t originally from Australia!

Students made posters, cards and other displays, as you can see on the photos.

Wednesday activities

The wreaths are ready for ANZAC Day and they look fantastic and our students look very proud about their work. Well done.

A group went to the Town Library each week and created a display there. A few authors and themes to explore. I hope other users of the library get inspired too.

Our Senior Students eat together each lunch, Mrs Jones got some snaps this week for us to enjoy. Smiles all around.