Community Announcement
Information on Vaping and Survey
We have already started the conversation with our stduents regarding the impact of vaping and smoking but we know that our words, alone, will not make much of a difference.
We need your support with this. There is a survey you can complete for Breathe Easy, which will help design information sessions in the future. Please do not hesitate to complete this survey and/or contact Breathe Easy to get more information.
Supporting our community
You can support our community in many different ways:
Heyfield Primary School Transition Program
Resource Centre News: Skate Lessons. (a Skateboarding Come and Try day in November will be run by Gippsport, with primary school aged children in the morning and secondary school aged children from lunch time). Contact the Resource Centre for all information.
School Concert: USB for sale, $10. Please see Ann at the office.
Cricket Blast